Sunday, September 30, 2012

Astrology tshirts for dogs from A Gaggle Of Dogs

Funny, unique dog t-shirts that will make you smile can be found on

There's merchandise for everyone not just the dog...zen inspired and all just  good clean fun...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Peppermint Essential Oil

Hmmmm, the smell of pure peppermint essential oil makes me smile, reminding me of candy canes and those little red and white hard candies you find in restaurants.

Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) essential oil has a minty, sharp, cool, stimulating and refreshing scent that pleases the senses. A perennial herb in the Labiatea plant family found its way to the USA in the early 19th century from southern Europe.  Since ancient times the plant has been cultivated in Japan and China and in fact there is evidence of its use in an Egyptian tomb dating back to 1000 BC. Wow, can you believe that!  

Its dark green serrated leaf is steam distilled for its oil, which is not really an "oil" and does not have an "oily'' feel.  The essential oil from a plant is its "essence"; its heart and soul; its life source; sort of like what our blood or lymphatic system is to us.  

Peppermint plant is great to have in an herb garden because of its insecticide properties and, of course, it’s beauty.

Some known properties of peppermint oil are analgesic ( relieves or reduces pain), antiseptic (destroys or controls pathogenic bacteria), antispasmodic (prevents and eases spasms and cramps), astringent (tightens tissues), carminative (settles digestive system), cephalic (clears and stimulates the mind), decongestant (relieves or reduces congestion), expectorant (expels respiratory system mucus), febrifuge (reduces high body temperature), hepatic (stimulates liver), nervine (strengthens or tonifies nervous system) , stimulant, vasoconstrictor (causes contraction of blood vessel walls).

Peppermint aroma encourages clarity, awareness, revitalization, self acceptance, and concentration.  Blends well with the following essential oils: rosemary, eucalyptus, spearmint, black pepper, lavender, pine, lemon and grapefruit.
Various useful tips: Peppermint is a great essential oil to diffuse in the car or at the office.  By simply inhaling it can alleviate a headache, motion sickness, nausea, congestion as well as improve concentration and mental clarity.  You can mix it with an unscented massage oil and rub into the neck, back and temples for headaches. It’s cooling effects can cut hot flashes and even keep ants away when sprayed where ants and beetles wonder. I use a spray of peppermint and witch hazel for those hot summer days. It helps cool me off and repels bugs! I even spray my feet so the ants don’t bite. I also found putting 2 drops of peppermint mixed in a few drops unscented massage oil then rubbed all over my abdomen and inside my belly button helps alleviate a stomach ache.
For those wanting to use this in a roll on for perfume, peppermint is a top note with a high/strong odor intensity aroma. It can be overpowering so my suggestion when blending start with just 1 drop and see how your blend's aroma develops. You can always add a drop but you can't take it away!

Thanks for reading!


Check out our site: or for customized Astrology Perfumes and other roll ons.


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Disclaimer: Information provided is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is general in nature, based on variety of research, study, personal experience, interpretation and opinion. It is not intended to counsel, treat, cure, diagnose or prescribe. Please visit our website for resource information. Readers are encouraged to seek professional help for emotional, mental or physical issues. Essential oils are not to be ingested and kept out of reach of children. Some essential oils have contraindications so be sure to use caution if pregnancy, serious illness or disease exists. Research safety tips.

Zen Age LLC / Copyright /2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Libra Sun Sign and Essential Oils

Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22), The Scales

Has someone ever asked you, “What’s your sign?”.  Well, what they are asking for is your Sun sign; it’s the sign that correlates to when you were born.  The zodiac Sun sign, although not the only astrological sign, is the most common and widely referred since it descriptions your personality, your inner self.   Learning about your Sun sign is an entertaining way to discover who you are.  After all, haven’t you asked yourself “Who am I”? I have many times. This curiosity prompted me to learn about astrology and how the planets alignment at the time of my birth produced, to some extent, a personality diagram or map  thereby, shedding some light on the subject- me. I learned in my studies that essential oils have personalities and energy and astrology helps pinpoint personality aspects, whether they are good, bad or indifferent.  So combining the two modalities was an innovative way to learn about myself.  In addition to essential oils I use Flower Essences.  Even though flower essences work energetically there is no scent. I personally use flower essences for myself and find great results. But in this article I will only cover essential oils.

When smelling essential oils, the aroma hits the limbic system part of the brain, known for triggering emotions, reactions, responses and memory recall. This will bring subtle changes in mood, emotions and energy. With that said, it’s a good idea to mention there may be times when you do not like a certain scent.  Be open and try the essential oil another time, you might be surprised to find you like it.   I believe your body, mind and spirit knows what it needs and when, so trust in the process for we are always evolving.

There are many essential oils I can write about in relation to the Libra Sun sign but here some I like most. Keeping this in mind, let’s begin. 

Libra falls between Sept 22,23 and Oct21, 22, although you may see varying dates, since the Sun moves at a slightly different speed year to year so a sign may start or end on a different day then it did in a prior. However, it is usually no more than a day difference.  If you’re birthday falls on a cusp (the day the Sun moves into another sign) you will most likely have personality traits of both Sun signs.

Balance, balance, balance….is what a Libra needs, no wonder the symbol for Libra is The Scales! A Cardinal Element with an Air quality means the Libras are doers, and initiators who take action and enjoy their freedom.   Many times, a Libra person is often attractive, poised, idealistic, charming, fair-minded, diplomatic and a peacemaker.   Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is well known for its peaceful calming affects assisting with patience and balance. Always striving for the best future Libras need to remember to take a breath and live in the moment. Lavender encourages comfort, security and acceptance.

Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) is one of my favorite essential oils for grounding, balance and confidence.  It inspires steadiness for the see-saw Libra.  The aromatic scent brings compassion when the Libra can be a little disconnected emotionally being the diplomatic type. Cedarwood is also wonderful to ease any fears or insecurities. Even though freedom is important to a Libra they fear being alone.  Libras are also a tower of strength for many which mimics the Cedarwood quality.

Libra is ruled by the love planet of Venus. Libras make romantic partners and are very social.  In astrology Venus is about love, self worth, and values.  Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) is often associated with the Planet Venus and the Heart (4th) Chakra. The aroma promotes centering and tranquil properties helping with moodiness, indecision and confusion.  The Geranium personality desires harmony and security, and is often friendly and comforting to those around them just as a Libra. Indecisiveness is a drawback for the Libran, hence the Scales. Regularly weighing situation, flopping from one side to the other or always being “on the fence”  Libras are a source of frustration in others due to their vacillation.  But on the other hand Libras have clear opinions and solid beliefs, wherein they may become overbearing and very calculating but quite often in a playful good natured sort of way. Once they make up their mind, its full steam ahead with blinders on.  Libras make good counselors, advisors, attorneys, promoters, and business partners. A fun fact: Mahatma Gandhi was a Libra.

A blissful, floral, grounding aroma with just the right love, assurance and balance for the Libra can be found with Zen Age Libra Botanical roll on. To purchase or for more information please visit or email  Also available: personalized blends

Namaste, Avery

Disclaimer: Information provided is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is general in nature,  based on variety of research, study, personal experience, interpretation and opinion. It is not intended to counsel, treat, cure, diagnose or prescribe. Please visit our website for resource information. Readers are encouraged to seek professional help for emotional, mental or physical issues. Essential oils are not to be ingested and kept out of reach of children. Some essential oils have contraindications so be sure to use caution if pregnancy, serious illness or disease exists. 

Zen Age|copyright|2012