Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sagittarius Sun and Essential Oils

Sagittarius is the 9th zodiac sign  and the last fire element sign which falls between Nov 22-Dec 21. Keep in mind you may see varying dates year to year but it is usually no more than a day difference.  If you’re birthday falls on a cusp (the day the Sun moves into another sign) you will most likely have personality traits of both Sun signs.

The Sagittarius glyph /symbol is The Archer-Centaur, half man, half horse with a bow and arrow. This 2 part symbol in my perspective represents man’s mind in the driver’s seat so to speak with the stamina of a horse to successfully perform the ideas or plans man makes.  The bow and arrow represents whether the Sagittarian has good  “aim” or not, focus is one trait that is not so strong in a Sag.

This freedom seeker, fire mutable sign, is ruled by Jupiter, a planet that represents the higher mind, expansiveness, generosity, wisdom, justice, faith and vision. Jupiter is also known to be the planet of luck and joy.  Sagittarians adapt to situations around them quite well.  They are masters at turning around negative situations into positive with their wisdom and optimistic insight.   I know a few Sagittarians, all of which possess a spiritual, open mindedness that I enjoy. I dubbed them as my personal philosophers who, at times, get on their proverbial soap box and preach.  

Sagittarius is a mentally oriented sign therefore they make great teachers, and counselors. They are naturally happy go lucky, fair-minded, honest and cheerful.  Life is a journey for the Sag, always traveling, exploring, and meeting new people sharing stories and ideas. On the other hand the Sag can be uncommitted, restless, hot headed, argumentative, tactless, and critical.   Sagittarians are not particularly romantic, and are somewhat relationship phobic, but they do enjoy the thrill of the chase with a stimulating and energizing mate.  As a friend, they are always there to cheer you up with their hopefulness, funny stories and genuine spirit.  
I like to associate the Sagittarian with Marjoram (Origanum marjorana) essential oil for its soothing warmth. Marjoram aroma holds a calming confidence, that’s sincere and direct while keeping mental strains and anger at bay.  Marjoram essential oil and Sagittarius are often associated with the Third Eye chakra of vision, wisdom, spirituality and intuition.  This essential oil is also known for its topical analgesic properties which is helpful for the active Sagittarius who may complain about muscle strains and sprains. Marjoram is also noted to be associated with Sagittarians ruling planet, Jupiter.
Also associated with the Fire element, Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), by far, is a scent that will bring good cheer, strength and joy to any soul. It’s an aroma that has a reputation for calming frazzled nerves while uplifting the soul and works wonders for a restful sleep.    This fresh citrus scent assists in bringing laughter to the sometimes hot headed Sagittarian, while emphasizing the Sagittarians drive and strength.  Embracing the aroma may emotionally open the heart to receive and accept love which is helpful for a heart which might have been closed off. 

Since Sagittarians are spiritual beings, Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi) is a good choice for them. Although Spikenard has a pungent, musty aroma that many do not like initially, its depth is warm, deep and balancing.  With this, spikenard encourages inner balance of emotional, spiritual and physical energies.  Like its calming herb cousin Valerian,

Nardo is also recognized for its soothing, grounding and harmonizing ways.

Fun Fact: Mark Twain was a Sagittarius.

To purchase Zen Age Energetic Vibrational Aromatherapy astrology blends or for more information please visit www.TheZenAge.com or email ShopZenAge@yahoo.com.  Also available: personalized botanical blends.

Visit our blog at www.ZenAge.Blogspot.com ; follow us on Twitter @ ShopZenAge and “Like” us on Facebook.com/ZenAgeAroma

Thanks for reading.
Avery ~ Holistic Aromatherapist, Intuitive Medium and Astrology Enthusiast

Disclaimer: Information provided is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is general in nature, based on variety of research, study, personal experience, interpretation and opinion. It is not intended to counsel, treat, cure, diagnose or prescribe. Please visit our website for resource information. Readers are encouraged to seek professional help for emotional, mental or physical issues. Essential oils are not to be ingested and kept out of reach of children. Some essential oils have contraindications so be sure to use caution if pregnancy, serious illness or disease exists. Essential oils mentioned in this article are not necessarily indicative of the essential oils in the Zen Age astrology blend.

Zen Age / Copyright / 2012

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