Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cycle Relief Roll On - for PMS

Cycle Relief roll on made with plant essential oils.

PMS is a drag but it doesn't have to be ! It works for me, it may work for you! This complex customized blend of essential oils was formulated to help give relief to that monthly cycle drama.

Made with lavender, peppermint, mandarin, chamomile, cypress, juniper, clary sage, geranium and frankincense essential oils.  Of course, topical use only.

Purchase now at www.ShopZenAge.com

Disclaimer: Information provided is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is general in nature, based on variety of research, study, personal experience, interpretation and opinion. It is not intended to counsel, treat, cure, diagnose or prescribe. Please visit our website for resource information. Readers are encouraged to seek professional help for emotional, mental or physical issues. Essential oils are not to be ingested and kept out of reach of children. Some essential oils have contraindications so be sure to use caution if pregnancy, serious illness or disease exists. 

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