Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Eucalyptus Globulus

Well, here we go, it’s Fall season.  Well not exactly for folks in FL, it’s still 90 degrees! But for those who are feeling the chill and maybe a sniffle it’s time to diffuse Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) essential oil. 

Best known for its therapeutic actions of antibacterial, analgesic, antiseptic, decongestant, astringent, expectorant, febrifuge, antirheumatic, antispasmodic and antineuralgic.   Perfect to diffuse in the air to help with bronchitis, coughs, decongestant, respiratory infections, sinus infections/congestion and colds ;  dilute and use topically to relieve insect bites , muscular aches and pains, and help headaches. Those with asthma, epilepsy or hypertension use caution as the aroma of Eucalyptus may be over stimulating.

It’s also good for purifying the air not just from germs but from negative energy.  The aroma is somewhat sharp , and camphor like. A history tidbit: Back in World War 1 eucalyptus oil was in high demand because it was used to help control meningitis outbreak and was used for the influenza virus of 1919.   

Spiritually speaking since Eucalyptus has an affinity for the lungs, it’s a good oil to diffuse to help with sadness to help restore a positive outlook. It’s a scent of newness  and freedom.

For the home or office diffuse pure plant essential oils of eucalyptus, lemon, and thyme  to purify the air of germs.  Remember synthetic won’t do what pure plant essential oils do!

Thanks for reading!

Cris for customized Astrology Perfumes and other roll ons.

Disclaimer: Information provided is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is general in nature, based on variety of research, study, personal experience, interpretation and opinion. It is not intended to counsel, treat, cure, diagnose or prescribe. Please visit our website for resource information. Readers are encouraged to seek professional help for emotional, mental, medical or physical issues. Essential oils are not to be ingested and kept out of reach of children. Some essential oils have contraindications so be sure to use caution if pregnancy, serious illness or disease exists. Research safety tips. Speak with your doctor before adopting this or any other complementary therapy. Essential oils should be used as a complement to conventional medicine, not a substitute.

Zen Age LLC / Copyright /2012

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